With this season, comes the celebration of giving. I thought I would share the small haul I received from those I care about this season.
My mom and dad got me my long awaited European Charm bracelet. This is something I've wanted for a while and something that can tell a story. I've never been a fan of charm bracelets because of how they dangle so this was something I could get on board for. Each bead represents something about me or something that I believe in. From L to R:
Puzzle Piece - I support Autism Awareness wholeheartedly. I participate in studies and also I try to help teach those around me a little more about what goes on and how different Autism can manifest.
Dreams Really Can Come True - This bead serves as a reminder. It is part of the Disney collection which is something I've been a fan of all of my life but also a reminder that no matter how hard things are, that dreams do come true and to never give up hope.
Daughter - With the English on the outside and the Spanish and French on the inside, this represents the fact that the bracelet and charms were a gift from my parents but also, as a multi-lingual individual, it represents one of my favorite hobbies.
From my brother and Jenn, a jersey scarf with the TARDIS screenprinted on it. I am wearing it as I type this and it is so comfortable. Doctor Who is a 20 year fandom for me. It is one of three fandoms that I keep returning to. Also, this scarf will be perfect for the human TARDIS costume I have planned.
Coming soon is a review of the two Timey Wimey collection eye shadows I received from my friend, Rachel Norris as a surprise and I will go into more detail there about that gift and also share a little bit about the colors.
I just wanted to take a moment and share the gifts I have received, not to brag, but to acknowledge that having wonderful friends and family with or without gifts is the best thing for someone.
December 28, 2011
Good Things Come In Small Packages... The Greens...
The final part of my memorial list of cosmetics for the perfect look inspired by the dragons of Anne McCaffrey's Pern. A lot of people don't realize that the dragons that inhabit Pern are based on equine musculature and anatomy as opposed to reptilian. That is also why they have smooth skin as opposed to scales.
For the Eyes:
For the Eyes:
- Riddle Me This - Geek Chic Cosmetics
- Inevitable Betrayal - Geek Chic Cosmetics
- Twilight Princess - Geek Chic Cosmetics
- Princess Jupiter - Persephone Minerals
- Jupiter Crystal Power - Persephone Minerals
- Sailor Jupiter - Persephone Minerals
- Bulbasaur - Shiro Cosmetics
- Link - Shiro Cosmetics
- Kokiri Forest - Shiro Cosmetics
- San Francisco - SinfulColors
- Fresh Frog of Bel Air - OPI
December 21, 2011
The Smallest Males, and Yet....
I'll admit, I never really paid the blues much attention but I remember them being quite quick when compared to the larger browns and bronzes. The same went for the greens when compared to the golds. I think my love of blue dragons comes also from another fantasy series however that is for another post entirely:
For the Eyes:
For the Eyes:
- Oshus - Shiro Cosmetics
- Squirtle - Shiro Cosmetics
- Gyarados - Shiro Cosmetics
- A Neat Gun - Shiro Cosmetics
- Solid Snake - Geek Chic Cosmetics
- Aqua Illusion - Persephone Minerals
- Wicked - Sweet Libertine Cosmetics
- Hipster Ariel - Geek Chic Cosmetics
- Mana Potion - Geek Chic Cosmetics
- Swimsuit... Nailed It! - OPI
- Gone Gonzo - OPI
- Who Let the Dorks Out? - Sephora by OPI
December 14, 2011
Brown Dragons, Riding Leathers, and Wingleaders
This one was probably a bit easier for me to figure out a multitude of cosmetics I use. I tend to stick with browns for a more natural makeup look and for professional looks.
For the Eyes:
For the Eyes:
- Boomerang - Shiro Cosmetics
- Brock the Rock - Shiro Cosmetics
- Vulpix - Shiro Cosmetics
- Eyes of the Werewolf - Geek Chic Cosmetics
- The Pointy End - Geek Chic Cosmetics
- Makoto - Persephone Minerals
- Baklavah - Persephone Minerals
- Espresso - Laura Mercier
- Sweet Transvestite - Geek Chic Cosmetics
December 7, 2011
Bronzes for a Weyrleader
Now for the hardest color family for me to pick cosmetics from mostly because I don't have many bronzes! As I said in a previous post, my favorite dragonrider is F'lar, Weyrleader of Benden Weyr. I've always marvelled at the bronze dragons and secretly wondered what would happen if a woman impressed a Bronze dragon. Although it's never happened in the books. >.>
Bronze for the Eyes:
Bronze for the Nails:
Bronze for the Eyes:
- Small Key - Shiro Cosmetics
- Probably one of the only true bronzes that I currently own. Shiro has and will always be one of my first go tos for browns and natural looking colors.
- Everything is Bears - Shiro Cosmetics
- I placed this in bronze and not brown because the multitude of gold glitter makes me think more of an oiled bronze than just brown.
Bronze for the Nails:
- Warm and Fozzie - OPI's Muppets
- Designer De-Better - OPI's Muppets
December 2, 2011
Review: OPI Muppets Collection
As some of you may know, a while back I posted a press release about the Muppets Holiday collection from OPI and I am so proud to say that I finally picked it up! I wasn't sure if I was initally going to get the entire collection but on seeing them, I had specific reasons for picking up the colors. The formulation overall is really great but I would suggest layering all of the glitters except Excuse Moi over other solid colors. I will list a few of my suggestions but there are so many more.
Animal-istic - An orangey coral red that has an obvious glitter beneath it. At some angles it looks more like a coral pink and at some it looks more like the firey orange you see above. The thing I can say though is that it is a 2 coat formula and it reminds me of Animal's fur around his face. Despite being a holiday collection, I feel like this color is more suited to Summer and even then, it is one of 3 colors that I would only wear on my toes during those sandal wearing months.
Meep Meep Meep - A slight language warning for a moment... This is what I call "Holy Fuck It's Fuschia". It is a bright cool toned pink that is packed with glitter underneath it. This is another of what I consider "Summer Toe Colors" as it isn't something I would wear on my fingers without a reason such as costuming or evening. However, also doing nail art, I can appreciate certain uses for a bright color such as this and I think it would look amazing underneath OPI's Black Shatter or something similar.
Warm and Fozzie - Probably the solid color that I was most looking forward to and it did not disappoint. Being a Harry Potter fan, I've always been keeping my eye out for that perfect bronze so that I could do Ravenclaw shattered nails. Unfortunately, most of what I've seen have used copper and I've even done that myself with Blue Shatter layered over it. Now, I have something that will make the perfect Ravenclaw nails with the colors from the books.
Designer De-Better - When I first saw this color, I thought it was a metallic silver, but I plesantly found I was wrong. This silver has a warm glow to it, thanks to flecks of orangey copper interspersed through it. This gives the silver a little more depth and warmth and individuality. I would probably still use this as a part of my Slytherin collection though because it will allow for a warm/cool contrase between the green and the flecks of orange.
Pepe's Purple Passion - This is the main color that I was going back and forth on getting. It is s deep grape color with a very subtle glitter in it. In fact, despite how the glitter shows up in the bottle, when the polish dries, it doesn't show up at all. It's a little disappointing. This is one that I would probably use on my toes or with some sort of light Shatter coat to brighten it up. My mind keeps floating to the Silver Shatter but I think the bright purple from Sally Hansen might work as well.
Fresh Frog of Bel Air - The swatch above is a single coat of glitter polish over Fantasy Maker's Black Magic in the solid black. I already spoke a little bit about why I love this polish in my earlier entry but I can't say it enough. This is Slytherin glitter in a bottle. Some colors I suggest layering it over are:
Rainbow Connection - How beautiful is this? It is a multi-colored glitter with both small round an larger hexagoal glitters in all of the colors. I bought this specifically for New Year's as it reminds me of the fireworks and also of the ball dropping in Times Square. This is a very hard polish to match with a color underneath so I suggest keeping it dark and neutral like the Black Magic pictured above. That way, each and every color pops and none of them get lost in the shuffle.
Excuse Moi - This is the only glitter polish that you do not have to layer over a solid color. Instead of a clear gel, you have the nice light, bright pink that you see above. The other thing that makes this pink individual is that in addition to the pink and silver glitter, you have flecks of gold and green. Out of all of the Miss Piggy inspired colors, I think this sums her up in a single polish. That's not to say I don't like the others but I can definitively see that this is Miss Piggy on first glance. The first coat was easy to work with and this is the first time I can say I love a pink like this.
To sum everything up:
Pros - You can see where the majority of the colors take from their inspirations. I would have switched around a couple of names but that has nothing to do with my love of the colors. These colors for the most part would also be amazing for that holiday party that you go to but also there are plenty of classic colors that you can get away with wearing everyday. My favorites are:
Would I buy again? Yes.
Animal-istic - An orangey coral red that has an obvious glitter beneath it. At some angles it looks more like a coral pink and at some it looks more like the firey orange you see above. The thing I can say though is that it is a 2 coat formula and it reminds me of Animal's fur around his face. Despite being a holiday collection, I feel like this color is more suited to Summer and even then, it is one of 3 colors that I would only wear on my toes during those sandal wearing months.
Meep Meep Meep - A slight language warning for a moment... This is what I call "Holy Fuck It's Fuschia". It is a bright cool toned pink that is packed with glitter underneath it. This is another of what I consider "Summer Toe Colors" as it isn't something I would wear on my fingers without a reason such as costuming or evening. However, also doing nail art, I can appreciate certain uses for a bright color such as this and I think it would look amazing underneath OPI's Black Shatter or something similar.
Warm and Fozzie - Probably the solid color that I was most looking forward to and it did not disappoint. Being a Harry Potter fan, I've always been keeping my eye out for that perfect bronze so that I could do Ravenclaw shattered nails. Unfortunately, most of what I've seen have used copper and I've even done that myself with Blue Shatter layered over it. Now, I have something that will make the perfect Ravenclaw nails with the colors from the books.
Designer De-Better - When I first saw this color, I thought it was a metallic silver, but I plesantly found I was wrong. This silver has a warm glow to it, thanks to flecks of orangey copper interspersed through it. This gives the silver a little more depth and warmth and individuality. I would probably still use this as a part of my Slytherin collection though because it will allow for a warm/cool contrase between the green and the flecks of orange.
Pepe's Purple Passion - This is the main color that I was going back and forth on getting. It is s deep grape color with a very subtle glitter in it. In fact, despite how the glitter shows up in the bottle, when the polish dries, it doesn't show up at all. It's a little disappointing. This is one that I would probably use on my toes or with some sort of light Shatter coat to brighten it up. My mind keeps floating to the Silver Shatter but I think the bright purple from Sally Hansen might work as well.
Fresh Frog of Bel Air - The swatch above is a single coat of glitter polish over Fantasy Maker's Black Magic in the solid black. I already spoke a little bit about why I love this polish in my earlier entry but I can't say it enough. This is Slytherin glitter in a bottle. Some colors I suggest layering it over are:
- Black Magic - Fantasy Makers
- Mermaid's Tears - OPI's Pirates of the Caribbean: Stranger Tides
- Stranger Tides - OPI's Pirates of the Caribbean: Stranger Tides
- Wocka Wocka - OPI's Muppets
- Designer De-Better - OPI's Muppets
- OMB - Nicole by OPI
Divine Swine - One of my top three colors from this set. It is a glitter polish set in a clear gel. It has two different sizes and colors of glitter, small round purple glitter and medium hexagonal silver glitter. It is the same idea of Fresh Frog of Bel Air and Gone Gonzo but with a different color for the small glitter. I bought this because I go to parties and assist in running them as well. Soon, my department is going to be changing and my departmental color is purple so I felt that coordinating my polish with my department would be a fun thing to wear at parties. For fun layer it over:
- Black Magic - Fantasy Makers
- Prized Possession Purple - Nicole by OPI
- San Francisco - Sinful Colors
Gone Gonzo - Wow! How much fun is this turquoise blue glitter? Just like Fresh Frog and Divine Swine the turquoise is the small round and hexagonal is silver. I've layered this over a couple of colors already and had so much fun with it. For fans of Star Trek it is the perfect medical/science blue and can layer over black, grey, red, and blue. I see this color getting quite a bit of use on holidays such as Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, and Independence Day but it's also a very fun color for the toes when you want quite a bit of sparkle. Suggested pairings include:
- Swimsuit... Nailed It! - OPI's Miss Universe
- Black Magic - Fantasy Makers
- OMB - Nicole by OPI
- Wocka Wocka - OPI's Muppets
- Designer De-Better - OPI's Muppets
- Warm and Fozzie - OPI's Muppets
- Copper Penny - Revlon
- Who Let the Dorks Out? - Sephora by OPI
Gettin' Piggy With It - While on the surface this looks like a red version of the other glitter polishes I was very happy to see that in addition to the larger hexagonal silver, it had larger hexagonal red glitter mixed in with the small round. This is going to be a perennial favorite of mine during football season due to the scarlet and grey being my hometown team. It also would make a great pairing over blue polishes for Independence Day. I also think of ruby slippers when I see this and when put over a red polish although the glitter is a bit less obvious, the light glints off of it just right. Pair it with:
- Black Magic - Fantasy Makers
- OMB - Nicole by OPI
- LilyChrome - Revlon
- Designer De-Better - OPI's Muppets
- Wocka Wocka - OPI's Muppets
- San Francisco - Sinful Colors
- Swimsuit... Nailed It! - OPI's Miss Universe
- Steady as She Rose - OPI's Pirates of the Caribbean: Stranger Tides
Excuse Moi - This is the only glitter polish that you do not have to layer over a solid color. Instead of a clear gel, you have the nice light, bright pink that you see above. The other thing that makes this pink individual is that in addition to the pink and silver glitter, you have flecks of gold and green. Out of all of the Miss Piggy inspired colors, I think this sums her up in a single polish. That's not to say I don't like the others but I can definitively see that this is Miss Piggy on first glance. The first coat was easy to work with and this is the first time I can say I love a pink like this.
To sum everything up:
Pros - You can see where the majority of the colors take from their inspirations. I would have switched around a couple of names but that has nothing to do with my love of the colors. These colors for the most part would also be amazing for that holiday party that you go to but also there are plenty of classic colors that you can get away with wearing everyday. My favorites are:
- Wocka Wocka
- Excuse Moi
- Fresh Frog of Bel Air
- Warm and Fozzie
Would I buy again? Yes.
Quintessential Color: OPI's Fresh Frog of Bel Air
Okay, I never thought I would find another color that was more quintessentially Slytherin than San Francisco from SinfulColors but OPI has now proven me wrong.
Fresh Frog of Bel Air from OPI's Muppets collection is small round bright green glitter with larger hexagonal silver glitter in a single polish! While the larger glitter can be somewhat harder to work with, it just takes practice and a good base color underneath it. In the picture below, I have a single coat of Fresh Frog over Stranger Tides from OPI's Pirates of the Caribbean collection.
To highlight the glitter, I took this picture with flash. Other colors I suggest as base coats for this polish are:
Fresh Frog of Bel Air from OPI's Muppets collection is small round bright green glitter with larger hexagonal silver glitter in a single polish! While the larger glitter can be somewhat harder to work with, it just takes practice and a good base color underneath it. In the picture below, I have a single coat of Fresh Frog over Stranger Tides from OPI's Pirates of the Caribbean collection.
To highlight the glitter, I took this picture with flash. Other colors I suggest as base coats for this polish are:
- San Francisco - Sinful Colors
- Mermaid's Tears - OPI
- Black Magic - Fantasy Makers
December 1, 2011
Critical Hit - Revlon Moon Drops Lipstick - Persian Melon
Okay, so some of you may know that I have been looking around for the perfect pink lipstick for me. I've tried some bubble gum pinks but they were all a smidge too bright and not in the right way. They were too cool toned and only good for night time or low light situations. Some of you may also know that I have been obsessed with ABC's new show Pan Am and have been researching the uniform and requirements.
Through my research I found out that the lipstick color they wear on the show is Revlon's Persian Melon so I thought I would go out and try some.
I have to say that I was pleased with the result. So pleased that I have added it to my list of Critical Hits (more commonly known as Holy Grail products). I think what I love about this is that it allows for brightness but it enhances my natural lips which are highly pigmented as it is. On the other hand, if I am going out for the evening, I can build the color even brighter for those low light times or when I am clubbing.
I've found that when I am wearing red lipstick, I tend to go for the cooler toned (Russian Red from MAC is still my fave) but with pinks, I've liked the warmer toned (Persian Melon).
Has anyone else noticed this with themselves?
Through my research I found out that the lipstick color they wear on the show is Revlon's Persian Melon so I thought I would go out and try some.
Indoors with no flash |
Has anyone else noticed this with themselves?
critical hit,
holy grail,
pan am,
November 30, 2011
Golds Fit For a Weyrwoman
As I posted, I wanted to do a memorial for one of my favorite authors, Anne McCaffrey. I wanted to do a list of some of my favorite cosmetics both high end and indie that fit the colors of dragons in Anne's world of Pern. I've been a fan of Pern and its dragonriders for 15 years and it has always been something that inspires me and keeps me moving forward.
From the Pern Digital Wiki:
For the Eyes:
From the Pern Digital Wiki:
I always dreamed of being in a leadership position like the Weyrwomen. So I thought I would start today with some of my essential gold cosmetics.Golden dragons are thequeens . They are the only dragons capable of reproduction, because Kitti Ping genetically engineered them that way, and not because firestone makes the Green infertile. They are the largest of the dragons and are known for their strength and stubbornness. They only mate with Bronzes and the occasional Brown. The rider of the senior queen in a Weyr is the Weyrwoman.
For the Eyes:
- The Imp - Geek Chic Cosmetics
- This continues to be one of my perennial favorites. The thing I like about this color is that while the base is gold, it isn't flat by any means. There are flecks of red microglitter that give it a spark and fire at certain angles. Some people call this a copper but I still see the yellow of the gold and the red as two separate colors. This makes it a great Pern color as it can be used in a look inspired by the Queen dragons or even the red star.
- Master Sword - Shiro Cosmetics
- This gold is very understated but gives just a hint of shimmer.
- Wishful Thinking - Sweet Libertine Cosmetics
- Although this color was only available to members of the Eyeshadow of the Month club, I wanted to list this here as it is a multi-faceted antique gold with green undertones.
November 29, 2011
You Will Be Missed, Dragonlady of Pern
So I wanted to take a moment to post about Anne McCaffrey. Some people know and some do not that I am a huge fan of the Dragonriders of Pern and have been for over half of my life. I've written my own characters in the universe and this was my first foray into doing so. On top of it all, one of the main reasons I keep returning to DragonCon in Atlanta, GA is because of my conversations with Todd, one of Anne's sons.
Over the next few weeks, I am going to be taking a look at what I consider some of the essential cosmetics for looks inspired by the people and dragons of Pern. I'm not sure if I can include photos but I will try and link to swatches if I can even if they are not my own.
The first books I read were the Harper Hall trilogy and I had the hugest crush on the Harper Sebell. Later, Masterharper Robinton became one of my most loved characters and my favorite Pern book to date is The Masterharper of Pern. I have a print of Robin Wood's depiction of F'lar, Weyrleader of Benden Weyr on my wall and I continue to look on it in admiration.
I was very blessed to meet Anne at DragonCon and learn a bit more about the world she had created. It only strengthened my love for the series.
So I wanted to say,
Rest in Peace
Anne McCaffrey
April 1st, 1926 - November 21st, 2011
Over the next few weeks, I am going to be taking a look at what I consider some of the essential cosmetics for looks inspired by the people and dragons of Pern. I'm not sure if I can include photos but I will try and link to swatches if I can even if they are not my own.
The first books I read were the Harper Hall trilogy and I had the hugest crush on the Harper Sebell. Later, Masterharper Robinton became one of my most loved characters and my favorite Pern book to date is The Masterharper of Pern. I have a print of Robin Wood's depiction of F'lar, Weyrleader of Benden Weyr on my wall and I continue to look on it in admiration.
I was very blessed to meet Anne at DragonCon and learn a bit more about the world she had created. It only strengthened my love for the series.
So I wanted to say,
Rest in Peace
Anne McCaffrey
April 1st, 1926 - November 21st, 2011
October 18, 2011
October 17, 2011
Review: Geek Chic Cosmetics - Science Fiction Double Feature, Back to the Fuschia, Happy Ending
Okay so call me addicted... (YOU'RE ADDICTED!) Thank you, but when I saw the LE Halloween set from Geek Chic Cosmetics, I knew it was something I had to have. The only thing I wasn't 100% sold on was the pink blush but we'll get into that in a moment.
Some of the items came in the typical organza bag, but I was actually surprised but happy to see a bag with owls peering out at me. On it were the trademark lips from Rocky Horror Picture Show and I knew instantly that it was Science Fiction Double Feature. A very nice touch ladies for those who may have too many organza bags. ;) The package also came with a min-frisbee with a black spider on it. :D
Eye Shadows:
I'm Going Home - Described on the site as a Robin's Egg Blue, I think this is the truest one I've seen. It has a frosty sheen to it which makes it a great lash liner but it can also be applied sheer all over the lid or as a crease color. In some ways, this color also reminds me of Smurfs and I kept thinking of Smurfette when I put this Sane Inside Insanity.
Madness Takes Its Toll - I was a little nervous about this color because I'm not normally a fan of very pale pastels but this makes an amazing, shimmery highlight with just a hint of melon-y green to it. I put it with Shiro Cosmetics to blend it out and lighten things up a little bit. My one complaint is that Madness seemed just the tiniest bit chalkier when applying it.
Sane Inside Insanity - A pale, pastel gold. It's not something I've seen around. I love blending this on the eyelid with Rose Tint My World on the outer corner of the lid. It definitely leans to the warmer orange-yellows than the green side of the spectrum but it still goes well with Madness Takes Its Toll.
Rose Tint My World - Probably my favorite eye color out of all of these. It's a warm rose color with an orange-gold almost duochrome-y glitter. From one angle on my lid you get the rosey pink and from another angle you get a warm orange sparkle. This is why I like blending it with Sane Inside Insanity.
Happy Ending - When I put in my first lippie order, I realized that most of the colors I got would not be kosher for every day or the work place, so I thought I would add this clear gloss to my list and I am very happy with it. It's able to be worn on its own for an iridescent sparkle or over just about any lip color you could imagine. Very versatile.
Back to the Fuschia - Although my name didn't win the contest, I've been looking for another great hot pink lipstick and this time in an indie product. My current Holy Grail is Tokidoki's Lip Balm Stain in Pink Martini but this is a very close match. It may not be a balm or a stain but the color is beautiful and it starts semi-opaque so you can build it if you want to. Although the site says it is buttercream frosting flavored, I couldn't smell or taste it. Your mileage may vary.
Sweet Transvestite - A deep maroon, it looks rusty brown in the tube. This is one of those lippies I prefer to blot and then put clear gloss over because it brings out the red undertones. More reserved for evenings out and possibly with a neutral eye on formal days or evenings. Definitely matches Frank's awesome lips.
Touch Me - Okay, first of all, I had some trouble getting the swatch to show up on camera so I will do my best to make an addendum with a swatch as soon as I can. This blush looks bright in the jar and it is described as a candy pink. However if you take just the tracest amount and blend it over your cheek bone you actually do get a healthy pink blush that isn't too bright or over powering. This is the product that surprised me in the most positive way.
Final Verdict:
I wish the Science Fiction Double Feature set wasn't Limited Edition. A lot of the pastels are amazing for every day wear and Sane Inside Insanity and Rose Tint My World would work very well for the workplace without being too distracting. I love Back to the Fuschia because it's very close in color to my HG Tokidoki Lip Balm Stain. I never once imagined wearing bright pink blush but the sheer and buildable Touch Me just works.
Some of the items came in the typical organza bag, but I was actually surprised but happy to see a bag with owls peering out at me. On it were the trademark lips from Rocky Horror Picture Show and I knew instantly that it was Science Fiction Double Feature. A very nice touch ladies for those who may have too many organza bags. ;) The package also came with a min-frisbee with a black spider on it. :D
![]() |
L to R: I'm Going Home, Madness Takes Its Toll, Sane Inside Insanity, and Rose Tint My World |
I'm Going Home - Described on the site as a Robin's Egg Blue, I think this is the truest one I've seen. It has a frosty sheen to it which makes it a great lash liner but it can also be applied sheer all over the lid or as a crease color. In some ways, this color also reminds me of Smurfs and I kept thinking of Smurfette when I put this Sane Inside Insanity.
Madness Takes Its Toll - I was a little nervous about this color because I'm not normally a fan of very pale pastels but this makes an amazing, shimmery highlight with just a hint of melon-y green to it. I put it with Shiro Cosmetics to blend it out and lighten things up a little bit. My one complaint is that Madness seemed just the tiniest bit chalkier when applying it.
Sane Inside Insanity - A pale, pastel gold. It's not something I've seen around. I love blending this on the eyelid with Rose Tint My World on the outer corner of the lid. It definitely leans to the warmer orange-yellows than the green side of the spectrum but it still goes well with Madness Takes Its Toll.
Rose Tint My World - Probably my favorite eye color out of all of these. It's a warm rose color with an orange-gold almost duochrome-y glitter. From one angle on my lid you get the rosey pink and from another angle you get a warm orange sparkle. This is why I like blending it with Sane Inside Insanity.
![]() |
L to R: Happy Ending, Back to the Fuschia, Sweet Transvestite |
Happy Ending - When I put in my first lippie order, I realized that most of the colors I got would not be kosher for every day or the work place, so I thought I would add this clear gloss to my list and I am very happy with it. It's able to be worn on its own for an iridescent sparkle or over just about any lip color you could imagine. Very versatile.
Back to the Fuschia - Although my name didn't win the contest, I've been looking for another great hot pink lipstick and this time in an indie product. My current Holy Grail is Tokidoki's Lip Balm Stain in Pink Martini but this is a very close match. It may not be a balm or a stain but the color is beautiful and it starts semi-opaque so you can build it if you want to. Although the site says it is buttercream frosting flavored, I couldn't smell or taste it. Your mileage may vary.
Sweet Transvestite - A deep maroon, it looks rusty brown in the tube. This is one of those lippies I prefer to blot and then put clear gloss over because it brings out the red undertones. More reserved for evenings out and possibly with a neutral eye on formal days or evenings. Definitely matches Frank's awesome lips.
Touch Me - Okay, first of all, I had some trouble getting the swatch to show up on camera so I will do my best to make an addendum with a swatch as soon as I can. This blush looks bright in the jar and it is described as a candy pink. However if you take just the tracest amount and blend it over your cheek bone you actually do get a healthy pink blush that isn't too bright or over powering. This is the product that surprised me in the most positive way.
Final Verdict:
I wish the Science Fiction Double Feature set wasn't Limited Edition. A lot of the pastels are amazing for every day wear and Sane Inside Insanity and Rose Tint My World would work very well for the workplace without being too distracting. I love Back to the Fuschia because it's very close in color to my HG Tokidoki Lip Balm Stain. I never once imagined wearing bright pink blush but the sheer and buildable Touch Me just works.
geek chic,
geek chic cosmetics,
lip gloss,
FotD: We're the Misfits, Our Songs are Better!
Okay so on my post yesterday, a reader (Alison) requested that I do a look using Shiro Cosmetics' Rattata. Being that it's October, I thought I would do a long overdue Misfits inspired look and I chose lead singer Pizzazz. To me, she always stood out with her bright lime green hair and the purple makeup so I played up those parts.
- Laura Mercier Foundation Primer
- Laura Mercier SPF 20 Tinted Moisturizer
- Shiro Cosmetic's Acid - inner half of the lid
- Shiro Cosmetic's Rattata - outer half of lid
- Geek Chic Cosmetic's Madness Takes Its Toll - Crease
- Maybelline Falsies Flared - Blackest Black
- Geek Chic Cosmetic's Geek Gloss - Happy Ending
- Another alternative if this is for costume or you want something more dramatic - Geek Chic Cosmetic's Joystick - Back to the Fuschia
- Geek Chic Cosmetics - Touch Me
geek chic,
geek chic cosmetics,
shiro cosmetics
October 16, 2011
EotD: Legendary Kokiri
Products Used:
- Kokiri Forest - Shiro Cosmetics - Eyelid
- Rupee - Shiro Cosmetics - Crease
- Link - Shiro Cosmetics - Lining upper and outer lower lash line
- Falsies Flared Mascara - Maybelline - Upper and Lower Lashes in Blackest Black
legend of zelda,
shiro cosmetics
October 15, 2011
FotD: Want You Gone
- Thinking With Portals - Shiro Cosmetics
- A Neat Gun - Shiro Cosmetics
- Falsies Flared Blackest Black - Maybelline
- Hipster Ariel - Geek Chic Cosmetics
Catch Up: Shiro Cosmetics
So I am finally starting to spread my wings ad try some other companies. I recently bought 3 full-size jars and 23 sample baggies from Caitlin of Shiro Cosmetics.
First of all, I was very surprised to find 2 extra sample baggies in BOTH of my orders. This floored me because I don't usually expect something like this with sample only orders. As far as packaging, my orders came in organza bags. My full-size order came with two delicious pieces of candy. A nice little extra. The green tea candy was delish.
Shiro Cosmetics has a Mix n' Match offer where depending on how many you order, you'll get a tiered discount. Since I got at least 20 samples, they came out to abut 85 cents per color. Even less when you consider the two extra samples she threw in. :) Shipping was prompt and Caitlin was very friendly in all communication.
I think these are some of my favorite greens that I've seen yet. Most of the ones I got were sheer and glittery which I like for colors that can be strong.
Acid is a bright chartreuse green. Something I wouldn't have bought at first but I am getting used to taking risks. I think this would be amazing blended in with a yellow such as Pikachu or even used in tandem with Bulbasaur. The color seemed a bit deeper in the center and lighter around the edges. That would probably be my only complaint is that the color itself didn't apply evenly.
Bulbasaur is very true to the color of its namesake like all of the colors named after Pokemon. I would probably describe this almost as a lettuce green. It also matches the organza bag my samples came in perfectly. This one is more sheer than Acid and this works to its advantage.
Rupee is a sheer yellow green, similar to Acid however the application is even lighter.
Kokiri Forest is a neutral olive-y green. I love this and this is being added to my arsenal for work. I might even line it with Link.
Link is a deep green to match its namesake's tunic. This will more than likely be just a liner color for me as it's a deep matte but that's not a bad thing at all. It's very smooth and perfect for wet application.
Overall, these are some great colors. Acid seems just a little chalky and the color seems deeper at the center of the application than at the edges but I may need to work with it and get used to it a little more.
Spiritomb is as ethereal as it's ghost Pokemon namesake. It reminds me of the cloud that makes up Spiritomb's body and only adds a little bit of color. Another great color for daily wear as it's not too overwhelming.
Rattata is a deep warm purple that also matches the fur of the cute yet common rat Pokemon that annoyed me endlessly in the original game with how common it was. This color is nowhere near as annoying though. It's purple enough that it won't just look like a bruise but still warm. I will probably experiment with this as a liner as well.
Reverse Psychology is from the Portal inspired Science collection. Very pale, almost pure silver and a great way to add that glitter.
Majora's Mask is vibrant but more on the cool spectrum of purple. It's more matte and it really reminds me of Geek Chic Cosmetic's What's Under the Helmet? I will probably do a comparison swatch soon but that was my first impression at least.
I have to say that the vibrant blues definitely caught my eye and that's part of the reason why I have so many.
Squirtle evokes the look and feel of shimmering water. Matching the main coloration of my second favorite starter Pokemon.
Gyarados, well who knew that Magikarp would evolve into such awesomness? The same goes for this vibrant blue shadow. Although it will be relegated to use as a liner, I'm thinking it may need blending with Blue Box from A'dor Beauty Supplies to see how they look together.
Emancipation Grid is a sheer blue with tons of glitter. Usually this grid means you lose any items you had in the previous room, but I think of more positives with this color than negatives.
A Neat Gun is what I would call the perfect Portal blue. It's a light shimmery blue with orange glitter in it. That's the exact opposite of Thinking With Portals which I will be writing about in a moment. I am hoping to do a gijinka GLaDOS costume and this will be an integral part of my look.
Oshus is a deep blue with gold sparks in it. Fitting of the Ocean King from Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. It also makes me think of one of the spirits as well that has a blue tinge to it.
Veran is a deep navy blue. It reminds me of Solid Snake from Geek Chic but there are some very obvious differences. Solid Snake has a lot more glitter than Veran. This was one of the extra samples I got from Caitlin and it will be used as a liner.
I went for a lot of browns in the hopes that I could find at least one color that I could wear to work and silently show my geekdom. I definitely found at least three colors.
Subrosia is a deep reddish brown with red glitter. Not my first choice in colors but I've been pleasantly surprised and I think this would make a great rusty liner or accent color. This was another one of the extra samples I received with my order.
Master Sword is an amazing highlight color. The gold is very pale and it's something that blends really well with my skintone. It's added to my holy grail products for neutral eye shadows.
Brock the Rock is another extra sample and I am so happy it was included. I think this would make a great alternative to Everything is Bears which has both gold and red glitter in it and may overwhelm some people.
Boomerang is more of an orange toned gold. A great metallic and not a shade of gold that you see very often.
Small Key is more of a typical shade of gold. Nothing really stood out to me for this.
Vulpix a deep copper which is one of my go to shades. I want to use this as a metallic liner.
Thinking With Portals as I mentioned before is the opposite of A Neat Gun. This is an orange base with a blue shift. Both of the colors are nice and sheer and are perfect for any fan of Chell or even GLaDOS.
Charmander is slightly deeper and a little more matte orange. A great highlight color.
Pikachu is a yellow with red glitter. The thing I like about Shiro's eye shadows is that the glitter is so small, you can usually spot the different colors but it's not overwhelming by any means. I got this eye shadow to use as part of my gijinka Pichu cosplay.
Porygon surprised me. It's the deepest of all the pinks but still somewhat sheer. I have to be careful with this though or I could look sleepy.
Mew is exactly what I want in a pink. It's shimmery and sheer, and plenty of glitter.
Clefairy takes the sheerness one step futher. Suitable for both cheeks and eyes more than likely as it will add just a small amount of blush to the cheeks.
Articuno was a color that I didn't have others from Shiro to really compare it to. It is a pure silver and I'll probably compare it to some other silvers side by side so I can get a better idea of what may or may not make it different. A great highlight color and very smooth.
Final Verdict:
Would I order this again? Absolutely. Both full size jars and samples are great deals. I am looking forward to trying some of her lippies as well. The price point is amazing especially if you take advantage of her Mix and Match sets like I did with the samples. She also generously packs both the jars and the baggies. My only tiny complaint is that in my full size jar of Pikachu the product was so packed in the jar that it wouldn't come through the sifter so I had to remove it and loosen the eye shadow and then put it back. A very solid showing.
First of all, I was very surprised to find 2 extra sample baggies in BOTH of my orders. This floored me because I don't usually expect something like this with sample only orders. As far as packaging, my orders came in organza bags. My full-size order came with two delicious pieces of candy. A nice little extra. The green tea candy was delish.
Shiro Cosmetics has a Mix n' Match offer where depending on how many you order, you'll get a tiered discount. Since I got at least 20 samples, they came out to abut 85 cents per color. Even less when you consider the two extra samples she threw in. :) Shipping was prompt and Caitlin was very friendly in all communication.
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My sample of Majora's Mask to show just how much product is in a baggie. |
My swatches are divided for the most part by color family. All swatch photos were taken without flash in natural indoor light. First up, we have the greens.
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L to R: Acid, Bulbasaur, Rupee, Kokiri Forest, and Link |
Acid is a bright chartreuse green. Something I wouldn't have bought at first but I am getting used to taking risks. I think this would be amazing blended in with a yellow such as Pikachu or even used in tandem with Bulbasaur. The color seemed a bit deeper in the center and lighter around the edges. That would probably be my only complaint is that the color itself didn't apply evenly.
Bulbasaur is very true to the color of its namesake like all of the colors named after Pokemon. I would probably describe this almost as a lettuce green. It also matches the organza bag my samples came in perfectly. This one is more sheer than Acid and this works to its advantage.
Rupee is a sheer yellow green, similar to Acid however the application is even lighter.
Kokiri Forest is a neutral olive-y green. I love this and this is being added to my arsenal for work. I might even line it with Link.
Link is a deep green to match its namesake's tunic. This will more than likely be just a liner color for me as it's a deep matte but that's not a bad thing at all. It's very smooth and perfect for wet application.
Overall, these are some great colors. Acid seems just a little chalky and the color seems deeper at the center of the application than at the edges but I may need to work with it and get used to it a little more.
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L to R: Spiritomb, Rattata, Reverse Psychology, Majora's Mask |
Rattata is a deep warm purple that also matches the fur of the cute yet common rat Pokemon that annoyed me endlessly in the original game with how common it was. This color is nowhere near as annoying though. It's purple enough that it won't just look like a bruise but still warm. I will probably experiment with this as a liner as well.
Reverse Psychology is from the Portal inspired Science collection. Very pale, almost pure silver and a great way to add that glitter.
Majora's Mask is vibrant but more on the cool spectrum of purple. It's more matte and it really reminds me of Geek Chic Cosmetic's What's Under the Helmet? I will probably do a comparison swatch soon but that was my first impression at least.
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L to R: Squirtle, Gyarados, Emancipation Grid, A Neat Gun, Oshus, Veran |
Squirtle evokes the look and feel of shimmering water. Matching the main coloration of my second favorite starter Pokemon.
Gyarados, well who knew that Magikarp would evolve into such awesomness? The same goes for this vibrant blue shadow. Although it will be relegated to use as a liner, I'm thinking it may need blending with Blue Box from A'dor Beauty Supplies to see how they look together.
Emancipation Grid is a sheer blue with tons of glitter. Usually this grid means you lose any items you had in the previous room, but I think of more positives with this color than negatives.
A Neat Gun is what I would call the perfect Portal blue. It's a light shimmery blue with orange glitter in it. That's the exact opposite of Thinking With Portals which I will be writing about in a moment. I am hoping to do a gijinka GLaDOS costume and this will be an integral part of my look.
Oshus is a deep blue with gold sparks in it. Fitting of the Ocean King from Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. It also makes me think of one of the spirits as well that has a blue tinge to it.
Veran is a deep navy blue. It reminds me of Solid Snake from Geek Chic but there are some very obvious differences. Solid Snake has a lot more glitter than Veran. This was one of the extra samples I got from Caitlin and it will be used as a liner.
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L to R: Subrosia, Master Sword, Brock the Rock, Boomerang, Small Key, Vulpix |
Subrosia is a deep reddish brown with red glitter. Not my first choice in colors but I've been pleasantly surprised and I think this would make a great rusty liner or accent color. This was another one of the extra samples I received with my order.
Master Sword is an amazing highlight color. The gold is very pale and it's something that blends really well with my skintone. It's added to my holy grail products for neutral eye shadows.
Brock the Rock is another extra sample and I am so happy it was included. I think this would make a great alternative to Everything is Bears which has both gold and red glitter in it and may overwhelm some people.
Boomerang is more of an orange toned gold. A great metallic and not a shade of gold that you see very often.
Small Key is more of a typical shade of gold. Nothing really stood out to me for this.
Vulpix a deep copper which is one of my go to shades. I want to use this as a metallic liner.
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L to R: Thinking With Portals, Charmander, Pikachu |
Charmander is slightly deeper and a little more matte orange. A great highlight color.
Pikachu is a yellow with red glitter. The thing I like about Shiro's eye shadows is that the glitter is so small, you can usually spot the different colors but it's not overwhelming by any means. I got this eye shadow to use as part of my gijinka Pichu cosplay.
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L to R: Porygon, Mew, Clefairy |
Mew is exactly what I want in a pink. It's shimmery and sheer, and plenty of glitter.
Clefairy takes the sheerness one step futher. Suitable for both cheeks and eyes more than likely as it will add just a small amount of blush to the cheeks.
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Articuno |
Final Verdict:
Would I order this again? Absolutely. Both full size jars and samples are great deals. I am looking forward to trying some of her lippies as well. The price point is amazing especially if you take advantage of her Mix and Match sets like I did with the samples. She also generously packs both the jars and the baggies. My only tiny complaint is that in my full size jar of Pikachu the product was so packed in the jar that it wouldn't come through the sifter so I had to remove it and loosen the eye shadow and then put it back. A very solid showing.
October 14, 2011
Catch Up: Big Geek Chic Review Post
So I recently got a big order from Geek Chic Cosmetics and I wanted to do a huge swatch post. Some of these swatches are comparing similar color families and include previous purchases as I wanted to show the differences between certain colors and just why they ARE worth getting.
First up are the purples. I've been obsessed with trying this color due to it being great for parties and nights out. I also have interesting eyes because even though I was raised thinking I had plain brown eyes, I actually have a little bit of my dad's hazel eyes. Purple tends to bring out the green in them which is something I love. I can really play with some color theory and how eye shadow changes the color of me eyes.
The new colors I got in this order were:
Ambassador falls into that tricky warm purple family. It's no fault of the company and I fell in love with this color almost immediately. It's a pink toned purple with gold glittery highlights in it. I think with a bit of eyeliner this would work out and I feel like that would be an amazing Inara/Companion look.
New greens to my collection:
Twilight Princess was a color that I originally thought I would just use as a liner because it looked so dark in the swatches but when I got it, I couldn't help but try it out for religious services. It's more a green toned grey in my opinion which went quite well with my grey outfit. I had lined it with Solid Snake from the Single Player set and put Inevitable Betrayal in the crease. This one is more for evening or formal but a color not to be dismissed.
Riddle Me This is Phil's first try at making a color and I love the green tone with purple glitter. I think this is more of a weekend color than anything else but the green is sheer enough to use as an accent color. Something I was pleasantly surprised to find out. :) Kudos to Phil for this wonderful addition to Geek Chic's Single Player line up.
This next swatch is one that I didn't have a similar color family to from Geek Chic so I decided to swatch it with blues from two other companies who's reviews are forthcoming.
Solid Snake is the only new Geek Chic color in this set of swatches and it's one that to date I have only used as a liner. I've been a fan of dark blue liners for a while and this one adds a little sparkle to the classic dark blue almost black liner.
Now for something which I had yet to buy at any point in time... Lippies.
Hipster Ariel is part of the Joysticks collection and probably the only one that the flavoring was obvious. I love Spearmint so that's not a bad thing at all. I had originally gotten this for LARP (live-action role play for the uninitiated) and I LOVE it. The coverage is great and the new slimline tubes are perfect for my tiny lips. Coverage is usually an issue because I have highly pigmented lips.
Okay so I got Electric Rat because it was the perfect finish to a last minute gijinka Pichu costume I made. The costume was a hit at MatsuriCon but I wanted to add the touches of makeup to just push it further over the top and I think I've found it. Another lipstick with great coverage although the flavoring of fall spices and "Seduction" wasn't apparent in this one.
I wasn't sure quite what to think of Mana Potion but it's another one I got for Halloween/LARP. It's a sheer sky blue which makes it even more than just a sheer version of Hipster Ariel. Perfect for the Snow Queen or anyone who needs blue lips. ;) Due to their gloss nature they aren't as full coverage as the Joysticks but the blue of this still shows up brightly.
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L to R: What's Under the Helmet? (N7), Game Over (Mushroom Kingdom), Fear Bomb (10 Man Raid), and Ambassador (Big Damn Heroes) |
The new colors I got in this order were:
- Fear Bomb
- Ambassador
Ambassador falls into that tricky warm purple family. It's no fault of the company and I fell in love with this color almost immediately. It's a pink toned purple with gold glittery highlights in it. I think with a bit of eyeliner this would work out and I feel like that would be an amazing Inara/Companion look.
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L to R: Inevitable Betrayal (Big Damn Heroes), Twilight Princess (Hyrule), Riddle Me This (Single Player) |
- Inevitable Betrayal
- Twilight Princess
- Riddle Me This
Twilight Princess was a color that I originally thought I would just use as a liner because it looked so dark in the swatches but when I got it, I couldn't help but try it out for religious services. It's more a green toned grey in my opinion which went quite well with my grey outfit. I had lined it with Solid Snake from the Single Player set and put Inevitable Betrayal in the crease. This one is more for evening or formal but a color not to be dismissed.
Riddle Me This is Phil's first try at making a color and I love the green tone with purple glitter. I think this is more of a weekend color than anything else but the green is sheer enough to use as an accent color. Something I was pleasantly surprised to find out. :) Kudos to Phil for this wonderful addition to Geek Chic's Single Player line up.
This next swatch is one that I didn't have a similar color family to from Geek Chic so I decided to swatch it with blues from two other companies who's reviews are forthcoming.
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L to R: Blue Your Mind (Pollen Cosmetics), Blue Box (A'dor Beauty Supplies), Solid Snake (Geek Chic's Single Player collection) |
Now for something which I had yet to buy at any point in time... Lippies.
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Hipster Ariel |
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Electric Rat |
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Mana Potion Geek Gloss |
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The Darkness Geek Gloss |
The Darkness is another one for LARP but I was very pleasantly surprised to see how well it works for everyday. The gunmetal grey base mixes well with my lip pigmentation but also adds a dark silvery sparkle. Probably my newest holy grail product.
The geek glosses are a little sticky but it feels good, like it's protecting my lips and when I take it off, my lips are very soft.
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Joystick (top) and Geek Gloss (bottom 2) packaging |
Would I buy lippies again? In a heartbeat... In fact, I am currently waiting on Back to the Fuschia, Sweet Transvestite, and Happy Ending in my next shipment. I will be sure to swatch those for you and you can expect some reviews coming soon. As for the eye shadows, I'm almost always floored and these colors were ones that I had been dying to get. I was especially surprised when Twilight Princess turned out to be more than just a liner color for me.
geek chic,
geek chic cosmetics,
October 12, 2011
Halloween FotD: Spooky Goth
Okay, so when I set out to do this FotD, I didn't really have any specific inspiration for it. I had just gotten a haul from Geek Chic Cosmetics and wanted to see how a few of my colors looked together.
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Photo taken indoors with artificial light... |
- Geek Chic Cosmetics - Inevitable Betrayal - all over eyelid.
- Geek Chic Cosmetics - Twilight Princess - lining upper lash line
- Geek Chic Cosmetics - Riddle Me This - in the crease
- Geek Chic Cosmetics Geek Gloss - The Darkness
The Darkness does gray out my lips a little which is precisely what I wanted for this look. It's hard for me to find a good lipgloss that will do this because my lips are so highly pigmented on their own. I also focused on the main attraction of my eyes being the neutral olive green of Inevitable Betrayal.
Reviews forthcoming on individual Geek Chic products.
Many apologies for the slightly blurry photos. I had to take them with my webcam.
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